Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 24/07/2014

1. General

Synergy2GO is an online information society service, hereafter referred to as "the Service" (including this Web site and all its applications), provided by Synergy2GO (email: contact@synergy2go.com), hereafter referred to as "the Provider".

These Terms and Conditions are an agreement that is legally binding between the Provider and any natural or legal person who, as a recipient of the service, uses the Service for any purpose, hereafter referred to as "the User".

The Service is committed to protecting the privacy of users of the Site. For information on how personally identifiable and aggregate information is collected, used or disclosed by the Service in connection with your use of this Site, please consult the statement on Privacy Policy and on Cookies Policy.

2. Storage of Information

The Service consists largely of information stored on the request of Users.

The Provider neither previews nor automatically reviews such information. Therefore, the Provider cannot have current knowledge of; possible infringements caused by information that is stored on the request of Users. The Provider is not liable for such information (Article 14 of Directive 2000/31/EC).

The Provider will, upon obtaining knowledge about or awareness of such infringement, act expeditiously to remove or disable access to such information.

Users may only request storage of such information that they may legally store and publish. Users must not request to store any information that infringes any third party's copyright, trademarks, other intellectual property rights or any other rights.

Users indemnify the Provider from any claims raised by third parties in reference to any information that is stored on request of the respective User. The indemnification covers all adequate expenditures, including court and lawyer fees.

3. Misuse of the Service

Users must not misuse the Service. Misuse of the Service includes, without limitation:

  1. automated or massive manual retrieval of other Users' profile data;
  2. advertising for commercial products or services of all kinds;
  3. unsolicited job offers and business proposals;
  4. all kinds of technical attacks on the servers;
  5. offends to other Users.

All aforementioned behaviors in this article are strictly forbidden, unless the User has obtained prior written permission by the Provider.

4. Usage of information

All information provided within the Service by the Provider and by other Users may only be accessed manually by a natural person using ordinary Internet devices.

Users must not publish, share, sell or make available information that is provided within the Service by the Provider or by other Users to/with any third party.

Users must not store or process any other User's personal data for any other purpose than the natural purpose of such data being published within the Service by the respective User.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The software running the Service, the site design, the logos and other graphics, articles and other texts as well as the database are protected by copyright and property of the Provider.

6. Applicable Law and Forum

These Terms and Conditions, including the statement on Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are an agreement solely under the law of Italy and the law of the European Union (European Communities), insofar as it is directly applicable within Italy. The Provider and the User waive all other law, including the law at the place of residence or usage of the User (if other than Italy) and any international trade law.

Place of jurisdiction for all issues that arise from the usage of the Service, including this Terms and Conditions and the statement on Privacy Policy, is Napoli, Italy.

7. Salvatorius Clause

If any provision or provisions of this Terms and Conditions and the statement on Privacy Policy and on Cookies Policy shall be held to be or become invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any applicable jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

8. Disclaimer

The Service is provided "as is" and the Provider disclaims any and all representations and warranties, whether express or implied, including; - but not limited to; - implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. The Provider does not promise any specific results, effects or outcome from the use of the Service.

The Provider does not represent or warrant that the Service and the data and information provided are accurate, up-to-date, complete or reliable. The provider is not responsible or liable for any damage, disadvantage or disprofit, whether material or immaterial, that is caused by the usage or non-usage of the Service. This does not apply to damages, disadvantages and disprofits that are caused by the Provider intentionally, recklessly or negligently.

The Provider reserves the right to change, reduce, interrupt or discontinue the Service or parts of it, exclude certain Users from usage of the Service at any time.